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Tall Bearded Iris

Welcome to our 2025 Offering of Tall Bearded Irises

TALL BEARDED IRISES are the kings of the iris world. The most common of all iris groups are defined by a height of 27 1/2 inches and up and a fuzzy protrusion on the falls or lower petals that is called a beard. They are the last of the bearded irises to bloom in the spring and their bloom season during that time can vary from early to medium to late. This bloom season along with an approximate height will be listed with each description in our website. Please note, iris varieties are registered from their original home gardens. If an iris is registered in California, it may not grow quite as tall in Missouri. It quite often will also not have as many buds in a colder climate area that has a shorter growing season. Basic culture is full sun with good drainage.  Sign Up For Our Email Newsletter

Tall bearded irises are shipped from the last week of June through September 1st.
Preference is given to cold climates, but special ship dates will be honored to the best of our ability.

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